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Before the advent of the Dental implant a missing single tooth would have to rely on a 3 unit bridge and this could only be used if you had 2 adjacent teeth and not possible to use in a distal extension. Dental Implants are a restorative therapy which duplicate the tooth's structure and perform equally (or as close to) a natural tooth as is possible. The majority of Dental implants are made of Titanium which is proven clinically to be the best material for the body to accept.


You will benefit from a Natural appearance as well as functioning and comfortable dental option to help with a healthier lifestyle. The procedure while technical is a very commonly one performed here by our dental Specialists and with minimal trauma and appropriate anti inflammatory / antibiotics the majority of patients can carry on with their day to day activities while following the doctors specific instructions.








The majority of Dental Implant cases here in Cancun will require a first visit of 3 to 5 days, the procedure can be completed after the doctor has checked you clinically and reviewed your scan and made a detailed evaluation, the procedure is very common but still requires the time and respect due to any type of surgery, it can be performed under local anesthetic usually in one visit. We will have you back to check on the healing area and make sure everything is as it should be.


There then needs to be a period of healing which allows the implant and the bone to "knit" together better know as osseointergration and can take anywhere between 3 to 6 months and may differ with the advice of our doctors. With the majority of patients finding little to no pain and minimal discomfort and following our doctors advice and aftercare instructions can enjoy a full vacation experience here in Cancun.


After the healing period a Second visit to Cancun to complete your dental Implant will be required between 5 and 7 days again, and this is for the prosthetic stage of the implant where the Abutment and Crown will be placed over the Dental Implant, This requires 2 visits over the second trip and allows the doctors to choose colour, shape and aesthetics.


A Dental Implant in Cancun can also include other procedures to prepare the implant site for the implant . Additional procedures that can add to the cost of dental implants in Cancun can include.


  • Dental Extraction – remove a tooth that will be replaced by the dental implant.

  • Bone Grafting – if you have insufficient bone, a Graft of either synthetic or other source material maybe be needed

  • PRGF - This is where the dentist takes a small sample of the patients blood and separates the plasma to use which is recommended to speed healing in a surgical site

  • Sinus Lift / Sinus Elevation 


Can anyone have dental implants?


Dental implants are suitable for most adults who are in good general health and have healthy gums. They aren’t suitable for children and young people under 18 because the underlying bones are still growing.


Your Cancun dental Implant Specialists may not recommend dental implants if you:


  • are a smoker

  • have had radiotherapy to your jaw area

  • have diabetes which isn’t well-controlled

  • have gum (periodontal) disease


However, each case is different. Tell your dentist about any medical problems you have, and they’ll let you know if implants are an option for you.


After Surgery dental Implant - What to expect and symptoms first 24 hours


  • Slight Oozing from the surgical site

  • Discomfort

  • Numbness from the anesthesia (for a couple of hours it should subside)

  • Swelling - usually presents after 48 hours


To give your dental Implant surgery the best possible chance of being a success - follow these tips


  • Take all medication prescribed by the dentist - Especially antibiotics

  • Do not use straws to drink with or spit this can dislodge essential blood clots

  • No spicy or greasy food or food with small seeds

  • Do not disturb the surgical site - No fingers in mouth, using tongue to feel the area

  • Rinse with salt water 3-4 times a day (Not vigorous swishing , just let the liquid roll around your mouth and fall out into the basin.

  • Rest and keep hydrated - Especially in Cancun as the humidity and heat even on cloudy days can be deceptive

  • Apply ice on the surgical areas every 25 minutes.


Life expectancy of dental implants


Life expectancy of dental implants is dependent on many factors such as proper maintenance by the patient and health of the patient. Dental implants may last for lifetime or may have shorter life time.


Common issues of dental Implants - There may in some cases become apparent of looseness of the crown over Implant and requires a simple tightening procedure which takes 10 minutes.


Life time of dental implants depends on how old the patient was when he got the dental implants and how the patient lives and maintenance by patient. For success of dental implants, patient should maintain good oral hygiene and should visit his dentist regularly for checkups.


Alternatives to dental implants


Alternatives to dental implants include:

  • removable dentures (false teeth) – plastic or metal frameworks that hold one or more false teeth

  • a bridge – false teeth that are fixed onto the natural teeth on either side of the missing one



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