Dental treatments in Cancun, What are you in need of ? A simple consultation and check up, second opinion, A Dental Makeover, ALLON4, Dental Implants, Cosmetic dentistry. We connect you to the very best Dental clinic in Cancun and ensure you have all the information you need to make the best choice of dental clinic in Cancun Mexico while on Vacation. Below are some Cancun dental treatment links with brief descriptions. If you require more detailed information and professional dental advice we can easily connect your dental care to some of the top dental professionals in Cancun Mexico.
Dental Treatments in Cancun

We Promise transparency with all of our information we provide,
Dental Destinations Cancun are not Dentists, we are the connection between your case and the Cancun dentists who will give you their professional recommendations, their findings and reasoning for the dental treatments put forward to you and will be the ones who breakdown and detail the dental treatment explanations about the dentistry here in Cancun.
The dentists do the dentistry we are facilitators and patient ambassadors, we give no medical diagnosis this will be 100% in the hands of qualified dental specialists who are trained for your dental treatments and will provide medical information pertaining to your case. The dental treatment descriptions below are to give you an idea of what they entail and are taken from public sources and readily available.
The dental treatment descriptions are to provide a visual context to help you understand a little better what they are and what they require to be completed. For professional and specific dental treatment information we can arrange for the dental team to chat or email you directly.
Remember the Experience, Qualifications and Education of the dentist performing the work should prioritize over the cheapest prices.
Do Not Risk your health and appearance.Â
Things to discuss with your dentist before a dental treatment in Cancun
Your Cancun dentist or dental specialist will explain to you clearly what the procedure involves, and you will be asked to sign a disclaimer that you understand and have agreed to the treatments about to start.
Tell your dentist about any concerns that you have and ask questions such as:
How long will the procedure take and what does it involve?
What does it cost?
What are the risks and benefits?
What are the alternatives?
Do I have a choice about what fillings are used?
What should I expect after the procedure?
What sort of anaesthetic will I be given? Remember to tell the dentist about any allergies you have.
What can I do to prevent tooth decay and gum disease in future?
Types of Dental Treatments in Cancun
Preventative dental treatments in Cancun can include oral health education, dental check-ups and cleaning of your teeth. These practices are designed to ensure that teeth remain clean, and any smaller issues are noted and fixed before becoming larger more costly dental treatments.
There are a vast range of restorative dental treatments ranging from fillings, crowns and root canal treatment to replacing missing teeth with dental implants, dentures and bridges not forgetting the management of gum related problems and abscess infections.
Taking care of your dentistry work performed in Cancun

Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day.
Electric toothbrushes can help remove plaque from your teeth and restorative work.
Make sure to floss around your teeth, dental implants, crowns, and bridges every day.
Try not to chew on hard or sticky foods. These can damage your implant, bridge, or crown.
Use an antibacterial mouthwash to help fight plaque bacteria around restorative work.
Follow the dentists instructions and after care guides
Savings per treatments
The savings for certain dental procedures in Cancun Mexico can be substantial and possible because the cost of operating a clinic and overall financial overheads are a lot less in Mexico, Mexican dentists are not burdened with student debt, Costs of operating businesses here are less, Salaries and overhead costs are lower than those in the United States and Canada.
Financial savings are usually found when multiple treatments are needed, most people will not benefit from traveling specifically for 1 dental Crown or a Cleaning etc (Unless they are already on or have a vacation booked prior)
* Agreement with Doctor in Charge is necessary and Conditions can apply.
If you do not see a treatment you are in need of then please just ask, With more than 9 Dental Specialists available we can have them find a solution for you.
890 USD
Dental Implant
390 USD
Bone Graft
250 USD
Root Canal
1500 USD
Sinus Elevation
567 USD
Porcelain Veneer
567 USD
Zirconia Dental Crown
350 USD
ZOOM Whitening
120 USD
Dental Extraction
95 USD
White Resin Filling
How Much does dental work cost in Cancun?This is one of the most common questions we are asked every day, and our answer is What do you need? It varies greatly as each patients needs are completely unique to the individual. We do provide a Chart on some of the costs of the most commonly performed dental treatments here in Cancun in our "Costs of dentistry Section" But these are baselines so a prospective patient has an idea of what to expect and to better compare to their home town dental costs. But without corroborating case information, xrays / scan or recent treatment plans which allow us to provide much more accurate costs these are all base costs so it is best to provide your case information for revision by a specialist or book a clinical Consultation here in Cancun to have a better more detailed quote of costs. The Average savings of dentistry compared to the U.S. and Canada is 58%
How do I get a plan of the work neededWe ask all patients to send as much corroborating information about their dental needs to us. This can include recent Xrays, scans, treatment plans. While we try to provide as much information to you to provide accurate costs, treatment recommendations from the dental specialists, without any such information and a common question we get asked like "how much to fix my teeth" without any supporting information we can only provide treatment cost list. Book an appointment with your local dental centre and have a full clinical evaluation and consultation, ask for X-rays and a scan to be taken and request all the information you are presented with about your case. This initial Investment is just that, an Investment the benefits of this step in your dental journey is that you will have a up to date report on your Oral health and Immediate and future dental needs. With this information you can then forward the images and X-rays / scans and treatment plans to us and we can have the dental team give a complete breakdown of treatments, costs, timelines and what to expect. Do not accept treatment plans from dental clinics from only photos or old xrays
Do you help with Flights and hotels?We do not help with flights as this is a detail best left to the individual, you know the best airport for you, the distance to travel and they type of service you require. We can help with hotel recommendations and do have certain preferential rates with local hotels. Again Cancun has over 250 hotels catering to different needs and desires, All Inclusive, Bed and breakfast, Beachside, Lagoon side, downtown. Most Reputable online travel agents and booking agents offer great deals on Flights and hotels. We recommend booking through reuptable Travel portals and always check with the refund and cancellation / date change clauses. We do have some recommendations and options dependent upon your needs but we are focused on the dental side and facilitation.
Do you provide transportationIf we have pre arranged and pre approved confirmation of your flights arrival and departure yes we can provide complimentary transportation but only based on the treatments undergoing cost 3000 USD * and staying within the Cancun zone. If not we can happily arrange but a cost payable at the clinic on first appointment will be 70 USD each way. For clinical appointments we will make arrangements with our driver to collect and return to your hotel for each set appointment - Within the Cancun Zone
How long should I book in advance?We ask that if you are wanting an appointment with the specialists you give us as much "heads up" notice about your planned travel dates as possible. This just allows us to block the specialists schedules and ensure your case is in the system and all necessary logistics are set in place. But if you found a great deal on a flight and hotel and need an appointment in a couple of days time - Let us know so we can work our magic and get it set and blocked.
How can I pay?You pay directly to the clinic, The clinic accepts all major credit cards and debit cards (Inform your bank before you leave) the clinic does not accept travellers cheques, Discover card or personal cheques. Payments are usually broken down each trip first appointment 70% and Final 30% on last appointment. They do not charge for work that has not been performed on that trip (In case you need to return for a second stage) it will be charged on that trip. Cash payments in USD or MXN pesos is accepted
I have found the same treatments cheaper at another Cancun dentist?We know other clinics offer cheaper dental treatments and if your determining factor on choosing a dentist in Cancun is the finding the cheapest, we won't be the right option for you. A Qualified and capable dentist and dental clinic will understand their professional worth and what they bring to the patients dental health and the level and quality of service overall. ​ Dental Specialists Qualifications & Experience - More experience, Qualifications and specializations the more they will charge. Clinic Locations, Installations - newer buildings, installations cost more to operate Equipment & Materials used and invested in The type of Team members Employed - Good staff are hard to find Treatment Warrantees and Guarantees - You get what you pay for Costs of Dentistry in Cancun can vary greatly, the one thing they have in Common is that they are a lot less than those in the United States and Canada. While you will want to make your dollar go further on your dental Vacation in Cancun Mexico is a good idea to be aware of certain variations from clinics to clinics Example the list above. Our Advice and Experience is stay away from Cheap dentistry
Which specialist will be performing the dental work?This depends on your case and treatment needs, But we will present the specialist for your case before hand.
Will there be any communication barrierAbsolutely not, the specialists and International patient support team all speak Fluent English,Spanish and even some specialists speak French
How long should I stay in CancunThis depends on the treatments needed but 5 to 7 days is common and more for Oral Rehabilitations. Always look at arriving on a Sunday to have your first appointment on the Monday.
Why should I trust Dental Destinations CancunWe have helped over 3500 International patients receive dentistry in Cancun - What can we say, In todays climate trust is a very hard commodity to come by and even more difficult to keep, but after 13+ Years dedicated to the patients dental Vacation Experiences here in Cancun and Riviera Maya we have worked hard for our reputation and providing Benefits for patients, We Pride ourselves on our empathy, Professionalism and understanding about your situation and reasons for traveling. But the decision will be 100% on you.
What if I need something out of clinic hours?You will always have communication with our team and doctors 24 hours while undergoing work. We will be available to you when you need usually via WhatsApp or call.
What should I consider?It is a sincere promise from the dental team here in Cancun that will attend your case and treat you, to always strive to do excellent work and perform procedures that are decided professionally and on clear and sound diagnoses to be the best course, offering Optimal solutions for your needs and Oral health. No one, especially the dentists wants a dental treatment not to be successful, but dentistry is not an exact science and even in the most skillful of hands and detailed treatment plans, not all turn out exactly as planned.
Sanitization and sterilization (Covid-19)?Introducing the next line of defense and peace of mind for our dental patients in Cancun Our dental Specialists are the only dental Clinic in Cancun to count upon the latest air filtration technology based on research by NASA to add another level of sanitization to their clinical surroundings. ​ ReSPR technology does what no normal purification system can to continuously control fine air particles, airborne bacteria, VOCs and surface pathogens – safely
Abscess – Abscess may occur if your nerve dies and becomes inflammable. You may feel pain or have swelling. You must consult your dentist immediately to prevent the infection from getting bigger and losing bone around it.
Acetaminophen – The medicine relieves pain. Commonly used Tylenol is one of them, which does not need any prescription from your doctor.
Acidic Food – This type of food makes your teeth weaker and cause decays
Aesthetic – Esthetic, which affects your beauty and your smile
Amalgam – Silver mercury alloy filling. Typically, they can cause less sensitivity to compare to the resin.
Antibiotic Prophylaxis – This is premedication prior to any dental treatment to avoid any potential infection during/after any dental procedure. Some medical condition does require premedication. You must consult your dentist.
Antibiotic – After some dental procedure, you are more prone to infection so some antibiotics are needed. Also, some antibiotics may be needed prior to some dental procedures depending on the level of infection.
Anticoagulant Medication – This level keeps blood clotting in your blood so it can prevent stroke or heart attack, etc. You must consult your dentist prior to any extractions. Some medical clearance may be needed prior to some dental procedures.
Antiviral Medication – Medicine for viral infections.
Baby Bottle Tooth Decay – Commonly known as ECC (Early Childhood caries). If your baby is sucking on a baby bottle for a long time, it can cause significant carries.
Baby Teeth – Primary teeth. Most of the toddler’s incisors fall out when they are 6-7 years old and they lose canines and baby molars around 12 years old. A common misconception is most parents think they are not important to maintain; however, it is important to maintain the baby teeth especially ones that fall out at 12 yrs. old to maintain healthy orthodontic alignments.
Bacterial Endocarditis – A serious, but rare, infection involving the heart.
Bicuspids – premolars
Biocompatibility – Material being tolerated by the human body and does not cause any adverse reaction
Bisphosphonate – Medicine used to strengthen your bone
Bleaching – Teeth whitening procedure. It can make your teeth sensitive temporarily. Not everyone is suitable for bleaching, thus consult your dentist prior to getting any bleaching.
Bone Augmentation – Building bone to support tooth or implant.
Biopsy – This is to evaluate for any pathology microscopically by laboratory.
Bone Loss – Bone loss around your tooth due to infection causing mobility.
Bridge – Fixed appliance to replace your missing teeth. It is simply connected crowns.
Cardiovascular Disease – Disease related to heart also known as heart disease.
Caries – Tooth decay
Cavity – Caries cause holes in the mouth so it is called cavity.
Codeine – This pain medicine can be only prescribed by your doctor as it can cause some side effect such as dizziness, sleepiness, breathing problems, and physical or mental dependence.
Composite – Tooth-colored filling material. This is an alternative to Amalgam filling
Cosmetic Dentistry – A type of dentistry to improve your appearance in smile.
Crown – A crown is a cap to cover the tooth all round to make sure there is no leakage of bacteria into the tooth. Typically used if there is a big filling or after root canal.
Cuspid – Tooth with a single cusp also known as Canine.
Decay – Caries or Cavity
Deciduous Teeth – Primary teeth or baby teeth.
Deductible – Amount of money which the patient is responsible any time work is done annually by the insurance policy. Some insurance takes the annual deductible even for preventive procedures.
Dental Arch – All your upper teeth are in upper dental arch and lower teeth are in lower dental arch.
Dental Bridge – Fixed appliance to replace your missing teeth. It is simply connected crowns.
Dental Erosion – Wearing of the outer structure of your teeth called enamel. Frequent intake of acidic foods or vomiting can cause the dental erosion.
Dental Home – Dentist office where you feel home for most of your dental care needs.
Dental Specialist – A dental specialist who specialize in specific area such as orthodontist, endodontist, periodontist, pediatric dentist, or oral surgeon.
Denture – Removable appliance to replace missing teeth. It can be partial denture where there are at least some teeth supporting the appliance in the dental arch or it can be complete denture where there are no teeth in the dental arch.
Denture Adhesives – This can help to retain the denture better in the mouth. However, if the complete denture is fitting good and you have solid bone structure to support the denture, the adhesive shouldn’t be needed.
Denture Cleanser – It is important to clean your denture every day. Commonly, it comes with a little tab that you put in a container that you get from your dentist when you get your denture. The denture is dipped in the container overnight for the denture cleaning.
Denture Reline – Repair on a denture that is ill-fitting. The denture can fit better because with missing teeth over time your bone resorbs and it cause the denture to not fit over time.
Dry Mouth – Saliva is one of things that protect you from getting cavity but if you have inadequate flow of saliva, it can cause cavities. This condition is also known as xerostomia. The condition can even make you hard to talk. Artificial saliva may be recommended in severe cases.
Dentin – It is the layer under enamel which is the most outer layer of each tooth that protect you from getting cavity.
Diabetes – Diabetes is medical condition where there is high blood sugar level. Diabetes can cause bone loss and periodontitis so it is very important to maintain good oral hygiene getting regular 6-month cleaning
Disease – illness
Edentulous – No teeth remaining in the dental arch
Emergency Dental Service – Limited exam and focused dental work is done to relieve the infection or pain on the visit
Enamel – The outer layer of tooth that protect your teeth
Endodontic – Root canal treatment
Endodontist – Dentist who specializes in root canals. Typically, if there is a major curve or calcification in the root canals, the patient is referred to Endodontist.
Esthetic – Aesthetic or cosmetic to improve your appearance
Extract – Removing of a tooth which is unrestorable
Filling – Taking caries and restoring the cavity with a filling material, it could be either permanent filling such as amalgam or resin or it could be temporary filling
First Molar – Permanent molar that erupts around 6-year-old
Floss – Flossing is very important because it gives proper irritation to gum tissue and over time your gum gets heathier and your bone gets healthier in return as well.
Fluoride – Natural mineral that helps your teeth stronger from cavities
Fluoride Treatment – Putting natural mineral on top of teeth to prevent cavity. Too much or too less fluoride is not good for you so consult your dentist.
Fluoride Varnish – Fluoride that gets painted on top of teeth.
Full Denture – A removable complete denture for the dental arch
General Dentist – Your primary dental is provider who does most of general dental work, and you will get your proper referral to specialist in case you need to go to specialist.
Gingival – Gum tissue
Gingivitis – Inflammation of gum tissue causing typically bleeding especially on brushing. Your gum should not be bleeding on brushing and if you bleed, consult your dentist. Typically, it is a sign of gingivitis.
Gum Disease – It can be classified to gingivitis to periodontitis depending on the severity. In gingivitis, gums are swollen causing bleeding but in periodontitis, your bone is already affected and an immediate consultation by your dentist is required.
Halitosis – A chronic bad breath
Hepatitis – An infection of the liver.
Hygienist – A board certified provider who can clean and examine for signs of disease under a dentist’s supervision
Ibuprofen – A pain medication that you don’t need a prescription. Common ones are Advil and Motrin.
Implant – A fixed replacement for missing teeth. In order to place an implant, enough bone width needs to be present, thus consultation by your dentist is required.
Incisors – front teeth
Inflammation – Swelling. It could be extra-oral swelling such as cheek swelling or could be swelling in gum tissue such as abscess. They are bacterial infection so immediate attention by your dentist is required.
Intraoral – In the mouth. Intra oral exam is part of dental exam whenever you go to your dentist
Jaw – Maxilla (upper jaw) or the mandible (lower jaw)
Malocclusion – Your upper and lower teeth are aligned such that when you bite, they are supposed to hit each other in proper points. In malocclusion, they are not hitting each other in proper position.
Molar – The large back teeth function in chewing foods
Mouth Rinse – An oral rinse that can freshen your breath and control bacterial infection to some limit.
Mouthguard – An appliance used to protect teeth from injury. Unlike night guard, for mouthguard upper and lower dental arches are fabricated.
NSAID – Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug, which is a pain medicine that you can be without prescription.
Occlusal Surface – Top surface of tooth where most of chewing are done.
Opioids – This pain medicine can be only prescribed by your doctor as it can cause some side effect such as dizziness, sleepiness, breathing problems, and physical or mental dependence.
Oral – Relating to mouth.
Oral Bacteria – Bacteria in the mouth
Oral Hygiene – Brushing or Flossing or any other activity that can keep your oral condition healthy
Oral Pathologist – A specialist who examines oral tissues for evidence of suspected abnormalities such as cancer.
Oral Surgeon – A type of dental specialist who mainly known for mostly extractions, but does specialize in jaw and oral or facial pathology.
Orthodontist – A type of dental specialist who mainly focus on teeth alignment
Orthodontic Treatment – Traditional braces with bracket or clear aligners to straighten your teeth to improve your smile
OsteoNecrosis of the Jaws – Severe loss of the jaw bone due to pathology. It is important to consult an oral surgeon.
Osteoporosis – A medical condition that makes your bone weaker and brittle.
Over-The-Counter – OTC medicine that you can get without prescription
Oral Pathologist – A type of specialist who examines oral tissues for evidence of suspected abnormalities such as cancer.
Partial Denture – A removable partial denture for the dental arch if some teeth are remaining in the arch
Pediatric Dentist – A type of dental specialist who deals mostly with kids.
Peri-implantitis – An infection around implant causing the implant to become loose over time.
Periodontist – A type of dental specialist who mainly focus on gum disease
Periodontal disease – Gum disease due to likely plague buildup. It is important to consult your dentist because the bone loss is irreversible.
Periodontitis – A severe type of gum disease that involve irreversible bone loss. It is important to consult your dentist.
Plaque – A soft, sticky material that buildups on top of teeth which are collection of bacteria causing infection.
Primary teeth – Baby teeth. It is a common misconception that they are not important. It is important to maintain them to certain time to maintain the space, otherwise your permanent teeth may be significant misalignment.
Prior Authorization – Some dental insurance policy requires pre-approval for certain procedures prior to the actual work.
Prophylaxis – Dental cleaning that you get regularly. It is important to get regular basic cleaning by your dentist because people tend have a missing area on brushing.
Prosthodontist – A type of dental specialist who mainly focus on crowns, bridges, dentures, etc.
Pulp – A hollow center of each tooth where it contains a network of blood vessels, nerves, and other tissues.
Quadrant – Mainly for deep cleaning, it is divided into four quadrants, such as Upper Right, Upper Left, Lower Right, Lower Left for classification of area of where the cleaning is performed.
Radiograph – X-ray.
Recession – Gum receding below CEJ area, causing more roots showing up in the mouth.
Restorative Dentistry – General Dentistry where most of your dental needs are taken care of.
Root Canal – A dental procedure to relive pain for most of pain. However, it does not necessarily symptomatic tooth that needs a root canal. When cavities are big enough close to a nerve chamber, it needs a root canal as well.
Sealant – This is mostly for permanent molar which contains significant groves where bacteria can be trapped. By putting a coating on top of the molars, it can prevent bacterial trap on the tooth thus preventing cavity.
Sinus – The air spaces in the facial bone. A possible sinus preformation must be careful considered if an apex of upper tooth is located close to the sinus during a root canal, implant, or extraction procedure.
Sjogren Syndrome – An autoimmune disease which can make your bodily fluid to dry up causing dry mouth, dry eyes, etc. Saliva is one of protections you have to prevent cavity, therefore people with the syndrome are more prone to cavity.
Staining – Discoloration of tooth. It could be an external or internal stain. External stains are mostly from foods and internal stain can be cause by injury.
Stomatitis – An irritation on soft tissue inside your mouth on lips, gums, cheeks, tongue, palate, etc.
Scaling and Root Planning – Deep cleaning. Once you buildup plague under gum tissue, you need to get anesthesia because in order to scrap the plague out, your dentist need to go inside the gum tissue. It is important to get the deep cleaning because it causes irreversible bone loss.
Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) – Pain on Jaw. In severe cases, there are surgery available by oral surgeons.
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) – Joint on your jaw
Third Molar – Wisdom tooth, which is considered to non-functional tooth.
Tooth Decay – Decay in tooth by bacterial infection causing cavity or hole in the mouth.
Tooth Extraction – Removal of tooth that is unrestorable mostly but sometimes for orthodontic purpose.
Topical – Fluoride or natural mineral to protect from cavity.
Unerupted – Tooth is not erupted through the gum tissue
Veneer – Esthetic partial crown
Whitening – Bleaching teeth to improve your smile. It can make your teeth sensitive temporarily. Not everyone is suitable for bleaching, thus consult your dentist prior to getting any bleaching.
Wisdom teeth – Third molar, which is considered to non-functional tooth.
Xerostomia – Dry mouth, due to the lack of saliva flow, it can cause more cavity
X-ray – Radiograph
Zoom whitening – Teeth Whitening brand by Philips