It is a Fact that the cost of dental treatments are the real reasons that the majority of people avoid going to the dentist, or do not continue with needed dental work in the United States.
It’s hard to Smile when the cost is so high,
Read and answer the following questions and be honest with yourself
Do you avoid going to the dentist?
If so why?
Do you have dental Insurance, is it useful, does it even cover treatments you need?
Do you think you could pay out of pocket for the dental work you need right now?
Do you need dental work to be done?
Are you aware that dental issues left unattended or fixed will not go away and inevitably become more sever and much more costly?
Have you got used to adjusting your lifestyle around any dental issues? Chewing on onside, avoiding certain foods, not smiling as much, avoiding photos, take pain medication for pain? Or maybe you are just unhappy with the look of your smile?

We have gone into facts and statistics on our other blogs about median household incomes, reasons why American and Canadians do not visit the dentist or avoid, and why Accident and Emergency visits for tooth related issues are at an all time high.
But we do not want to go over the obvious and what is the point, each household and personal situation is different and you will know what your financial situation is and you will know that at this time more than ever we need to really focus on our money management, that is a priority we will carry more than ever.
The cost of dentistry is the real dental phobia that is affecting millions, not the drill, Injections, the smell or sensations (all still valid reasons for people) but it is 2020 and dentistry has evolved and the idea that you will be in excruciating pain is well, a thing of the past. The worrying part of a dental visit now is how will I afford to pay that?
why else would people miss appointments, why else would visits to the emergency room be increasing and why would the business of traveling for dentistry be even an option for many.
Now answer honestly to yourself - If there was an Affordable, safe way to fix your smile, improve your oral health, or just not have to deal with any of the above scenarios would you do it? What would you say if you were offered this, and the downside would be that you had to combine those treatments while on vacation?
Costs of dental work in Mexico - Costs
This is a service we help provide thousands of American and Canadians each year, Dental work in Mexico is more affordable (50+ %) the standards offered are far ahead of what you may imagine, Have a look for yourself
Dental Destinations Cancun is a completely free service that will help answer your questions about getting dentistry in Cancun Mexico, we can provide treatment information, costs, connections to the top rated (Officially and Accredited) GCR Top dental clinic Mexico. Dental Specialists whose highlights include
A dental clinic and team operating for over 3 decades in Cancun -
Established, Respected and Top of mind in state for the highest levels of care and standards in dentistry
Each dentist has a minimum 15 years practicing - The majority over 25 years
Former LSU New Orleans Professor and course Director Implant fellowship
Internationally Respected Periodontal specialist , Published author, Scientific advisor, Keynote speaker
A dedicated support team and Fluent English speakers
Use of International Dental Materials and brands as well as FDA approved makes.
If you have treatment plans send them to us and we can provide a cost comparison
You have X-rays or scans - We can have dental specialists review and provide treatment recommendations.
If you would like to talk to a dental specialist about your case, we can arrange that
If you just want to know how this is accomplished and who really does this - We can show you our Patient testimonials
If you want a free no obligation clinical evaluation in Cancun - We have got you covered

Dental Destinations Cancun have been helping and assisting American and Canadian patients connect and travel to Cancun & Riviera Maya for their dental work for over 10 Years. If you want to know more about the options available to you and how you could save up to 50% on your dental work with the GCR Top Rated dental clinic Mexico Contact usWhat we do for you
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