Diets and dental Implants in Cancun Mexico.

With the majority of dentistry a patients diet does not need to be affected too much, Unless that diet is an unhealthy and high in sugars (Cavities 🙂)
All Inclusive hotels, The never ending Buffets and Cold drinks on tap 24 hours a day! A Dream come true for many tourists traveling to Cancun and Riviera Maya each week.
But what if you are Traveling for Dental Implant treatments, will it make sense to pay for the All Inclusive option?

When you have Dental Destinations Cancun arrange a visit to the Top dental Implant and Oral Rehabilitation clinic in Cancun for your dental Implant needs, we ask the dental specialists to assist with information and options to allow you to make the most of your stay and improve recuperation times while keeping your nutrition intakes well balanced and full of all the vitamins and nutrients necessary to aid in the best healing possible.
Some dental Implant and Oral rehabilitations will require a completely liquid diet for 2 weeks and then on to a soft diet and gradually progressing to a normal balanced diet when you feel comfortable.
This is a stage that many patients do not fully comprehend prior to surgery or many clinics just brush past until they have had the surgery in fear of scaring them off. We do not and the fact is that the recuperation after Complex and Complete Oral Rehabilitations come with associated important and at times difficult aftercare to ensure optimal results. It may seem difficult but the outcome will be worth it, and if a patient is prepared and understands what is needed they can mentally and physically prepare for the following healing phase.
We had helped a former Body Builder and active gym goer visit for Complete oral Rehabilitations and because their diet and excercise regimes were so important to them, The information we provided with the dental specialists allowed them to prepare their change in lifestyle and routines (Temporarily), and allowed them to adapt and prepare.
The Key is to plan ahead
Here are some options if you are thinking or planning to under go Dental Implant Treatments in Cancun, Mexico or anywhere for that matter.
Breakfast Options
You can start your morning off with fruit juice without pulp and, cream of wheat or rice, especially if you thin it down with extra milk. Milk and liquid nutritional supplements, such as Boost or Ensure, You can add variety throughout your seven-day diet by rotating different types of juices and shakes You can also have fruit smoothies made with yogurt and pureed skinless and seedless fruits, or some kefir, which is a type of drinkable yogurt. to add calories, include honey or maple syrup to sweeten your smoothie and rice.
Lunch and Dinner
A pureed soup is a good choice for lunch and dinner. You can make your own or use an already prepared soup. If you puree it yourself, you may need to strain it to catch any chunks. Consider adding yogurt, avocado or silken tofu to add more nutrients. You can increase your protein intake by adding skim milk powder or protein powder to the liquids or using a meal replacement drink. Serve your soup with tea with lemon and honey, milk or a glass of vegetable juice. Strained baby foods without lumps can also be eaten on some liquid diets, although you may need to thin them with water, milk or broth.
Desserts and Snacks
Plain ice cream, frozen yogurt. Sorbets, gelato, fruit mousse, puddings and custards, smoothies, Jamba juice, malts or shakes. These must be eaten with a spoon or a glass or cup. It is very important not to use a straw during the first 24 hours after surgery.
Then for a Soft diet once the specialist has advised.
Once things have healed up a bit, though, you’ll probably be ready to graduate to “soft” foods.
All of the things on a liquid diet can be enjoyed on a soft diet, In addition, you can add:
Eggs. Soft scrambled eggs are a great way to boost protein intake
Cooked cereal. Hot cereal is a good way to start getting more fibre, go for smoother oat bran or wheatena.
Fresh cheeses. Try topping soft cheeses such as cottage cheese, quark, or ricotta cheese with stewed fruit. (Stewed rhubarb and fresh ricotta make a particularly good combination.)
Pureed vegetables. Use the same technique as you used for soups, but use a little less stock, to create a slightly stiffer puree that can be eaten with a fork or spoon. Try pureed butternut squash, carrots, celery root or turnips, and creamed spinach or Swiss chard.
Soups. As a step up from fully pureed soups, try split pea or cream of mushroom soup.
Soft and/or minced meat. Although steak and barbequed chicken aren’t on the menu yet, softer options–such as poached fish–should be fine. Finely minced or shredded meat–such as ham or tuna salad–would also be OK. (Just leave out the celery for now.)
Soft fruit. Canteloupe or honeydew melon, bananas, mango or very ripe pears are also good options for a soft diet.
A list of options
Instant breakfast, Ensure, Boost Slim Fast.
Oatmeal, Cream of Rice or Wheat, omelets or eggs. pancakes
jam on soft bread (not chewy or without crust
Apple sauce
Low acid fruit juices such as pear, apple or vegetable
Egg, Tuna or chicken salad
Soup Broths
Rich cream soups or soft vegetable soups pureed or without large pieces that are hard to eat.
Any vegetable (except corn) or potatoes-well cooked, pureed, scalloped or casserole
Mashed potatoes or Mashed sweet potatoes
Enchiladas, Grits or polenta
Pureed or well-ground meats or chicken
Bread-less Sloppy Joes or tortilla-less burritos
Hamburger or Tuna Helper
Well cooked pasta, macaroni and cheese
Well-cooked stewed or braised chicken or meat.
Boneless Fish
Refried or well cooked beans
rice pudding, cheesecake, plain chocolate (allow to melt on the tongue), ripe banana
Juice Bars
It is important to know your own health requirements and allergies and some options will work and others not, But if in doubt seek a qualified Nutritionist and discuss your options with the dental Implant specialist.

If you are planning to visit Cancun Mexico for Complex or Complete dental Implant Rehabilitations, Check with us and see how our Experience along with the GCR Top Rated dental Clinic Mexico 2016 & 2017 can give you the very best chance of a Successful and Life changing Dental Experience.
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